Tablescapes 2022

This year’s Tablescapes will be virtual!
Participants will have the opportunity to purchase chance tickets on all of the amazing tablescapes online between January 29 – February 5.
Link will go live at 10 AM on the 29th and will close at 5 PM on the 5th.
Live drawing for table winners will take place via Facebook Live on February 6 at 10 AM.


*No purchase or payment necessary for chance tickets to enter. If you wish to obtain a chance ticket without making a donation to the organization, you must mail a handwritten request in your own handwriting entitled “Tablescapes Chance Ticket Request” and include your complete name, address, telephone number, and email address along with a self addressed, stamped envelope to AWW, PO Box 817, Longmont, CO 80502. We must receive your request by Friday, February 4, 2022.


Feb 05 2022


10:00 am - 5:00 pm